Tuesday, March 4, 2008

She's home!

Emma was able to go home yesterday. Her left arm is broken six times from her wrist to her elbow. It does not have a permanent cast yet. They will see if bone grafting needs to be done first. He right kneecap is broken. She will be walking with a walker. She says her knee only hurts when she puts weight on it. Her right leg has to be straight at all times. Her head has some stitches, but appears to be healing nicely. Her tongue was quite swollen from bitting it, but the swelling is now going down and she is starting to be able to swallow better. We are all still saying prayers of thanks to God for keeping her safe. It still amazes us all! My husband spoke of it in his sermon on Sunday....check it out at his blog!

Thanks for all the prayers and offers of help! We almost have them covered for two weeks of meals already!

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