Friday, January 11, 2008

They're Here! They're Here!

Okay, there is only one reason to be excited when the holiday season is over.....yes, CONVERSATION HEARTS! These have been one of my favorite treats since I was a child! I just love them! Of course, I was unable to enjoy them this evening because I had 3, yes 3, birthday treats brought into my classroom today. I did not eat them all, but enough that I cannot indulge in candy hearts tonight. But don't they just look so cute? They are just one of those small joys! I don't know about you, but I think there is nothing better than eating an orange one and a white one at the same time! Yumm-o!

I suppose that is somewhat of a random thought, so while I am at it I am going to add a few others. Thanks for reading! Just a few silly things to share.

Tomorrow on my to-do list is putting Christmas photos into a scrapbook. This year I cheated. I bought a pre-made Christmas scrapbook at the Hallmark store at the after sales for 50% off! It was worth every penny! Each year I make a small book of the pictures we received in the mail in Christmas cards. I just love looking through them from year to year. It doesn't take much time, I don't get too fancy! I thought some of you might think it was a fun idea!

After we have put the photos in a book we put our cards in a basket at the kitchen table. We will pull a card out each time we sit down for a meal and pray for the family we got the card from. This is an idea I got from my dear friend Marie. She is SO full of practical and wonderful ideas! I have learned a lot from her over the years. Maybe you can use one of our traditions to start a new one in your house! Share yours with us! I always love starting a new tradition!

Next I have to vent! Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. We enjoy going there on Friday nights for their fish. It is really good. We had a gift card that was given to us by a thoughtful member, it had been a long week, so we went! I LOVE their fish, but I have to have it a dark golden brown. I cannot enjoy it if it is all anemic and soggy. I tell them this every time. I say it nicely. They NEVER do it! I always have to send it back! I don't like sending things back. It makes me feel bad. Why can't they just do what you ask? The poor waitress has to deal with it, and it wasn't her fault. It is always yummy the second time they cook it for me!

Finally, I will end with a funny story. Last night our family was sitting at the kitchen table. Rich was working on the new computer the church got him. I was working on my laptop downloading jewelry pictures and finishing up my report cards. Ben is on Rich's old laptop working on his report on Argentina. All of a sudden I get an e-mail. It is from Ben. He has sent an attachment with his report on it and is asking me to read it and see how it sounds so far. I am sitting right across from him! What is happening to our family :0) It was too funny. We all got a good laugh out of it!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for reading! Thanks for all you new bloggers letting me know you have stopped by! It is always fun to hear from people who are reading what you write! Thanks!


Rev. Rich Heinz said...

"Be mine!"



Angie said...

Wow. Again I have a "Why didn't I think of that?" moment....putting christmas pictures card in an album....brilliant! I am awful with scrapbooking....but putting cards in an album I think I might even be able to do...Thanks! I have said it so many times before are just sooo crafty!

Have a great weekend!
