Monday, April 21, 2008

Refreshing PTL Meeting

Refreshing PTL that an oxymoron? Tonight, we had just that! It isn't often that we have a PTL meeting with good attendance. It isn't often that we have a PTL meeting without an argument. It isn't often that we have a productive PTL meeting. I am not sure why any of these things are true. Tonight, however, it was great. There was a great crowd for the Learning Fair! (Ben learned to make fudge. It was SO good. He is the new holiday fudge maker in our house!) After viewing the projects, everyone settled down for devotions provided by the seventh and eighth graders. We then gave out awards for this grading period. Ben's Young Author's book captured 3rd place. Then came the meeting. We had some productivity! We made a very exciting decision about Heritage Weekend. (HUGE here in Lanesville. A big old farm equipment fair.) PTL always has a booth to sell something. One parent said we needed to not sale anything, but rather give things away so that we can let people know who we are and what we are about. We are going to GIVE things away. I have been hoping this could happen for FOREVER! Very exciting! Then, if that wasn't a long enough list of positives, we voted for new officers. There were more than enough choices for the positions! It was so very exciting! I didn't know there could be such refreshing PTL meetings! We then left, at 8:00! Yes, all of this was accomplished in two short hours! I still cannot believe it happened! YEAH!


Rev. Rich Heinz said...

Woo hoo!

Definitely a nice way to end our day. (Before Dancing with the Stars, that is.)

Angie said...

Wow. Can't belive I missed that one. Sounds great. However, reading the part about St. Johns "giving something" away right now sounds like an oxymoron (oops did I say that out loud?)

Just wanted to drop by and say Hi. See you in a few days.

Kristi Heinz said...

yep,you are right....doesn't seem like us does it? That is why it sounded so great I guess! I miss you! Are we having piano? I could not remember? My aunt and uncle are in town and I would actually love to spend some time with them. However, next week I have musical practice on Friday and I can't have it next week. Get me past this musical and I will be sailing smoothly. Does this frustrate you? Let me know!

Angie said...

We are back! Feel free to spend time with your aunt and uncle. It's Good Friday for us anyway so we have church to get ready for. Don't worry about next week, if anything, if you have time during the day to listen to him play just to let me know that he is practicing o.k. or if we need to be working on anything.

I'll tell you what, getting this kid to do handwriting was like hanging him by his toenails! Needless to say his spelling test will be interesting on Friday. Is he like that in class too? If he is you are a Saint! I just about killed him this week!

Ok time to throw everyone in the tub and off to bed. See you in the morning.