Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lovely Anniversary

Eleven years goes by so quickly. I can remember our wedding day as if it were yesterday. We had such a wonderful time. The music was out of this world! The reception seemed to be fun for everyone. Most importantly, I married Prince Charming! After 11 years he is still making our life a "Happily Ever After!"

We had a lovely day today. We were served breakfast in bed. I thought for a moment that I was at the Grand Floridian! Ben brought us fresh fruit, toast, and milk. It was so sweet. What a doll he is. He is always so very thoughtful. He made us both a nice card. I love that boy! He has been taking good notes from his daddy!

Rich and I exchanged cards. We had decided that we were not going to give gifts this year. Last year's Disney trip was enough for two years! We did go for dinner though. We went to P. F. Chang's. It is SOOOOOO wonderful! If you haven't been there, you must! The lettuce wraps were suggested to us by everyone so we got them tonight. They are very good. Rich had a key
lime pie martini that was out of this world. It was so great. Thanks to our mom's and dad and our Fairy Godmother, we didn't have to worry about what we spent on dinner. It was fantastic.

After 11 years, I am still as in love with my husband as I was the first day we got together! He is so kind, understanding, thoughtful, and patient. I thank God for him and this wonderful day!

1 comment:

Rev. Rich Heinz said...

Thanks for the great date! (Then and now!) Dinner was fabulous and the company even better!

Love you most-est!

Better turn in now, before the coach turns into a pumpkin.