The sacred weekend is quickly approaching. For those of you who don't live in these here parts, the world stops for Heritage Weekend! What is the big hype about you ask? Tractors, old ones, crafts, sort of, and food....lots of food!
I have already started to contribute to the food. Monday I picked chicken off of SEVERAL cooked chickens. This will be turned into dumplings for our dinner there on Saturday. Today I turned in 10 lbs. of cooked and peeled potatoes that will be turned into German potato salad that is sold all weekend at our Thrivent booth. Tomorrow I will be baking 4 pies that will be sold at the Thrivent booth and our dumpling dinner. Saturday I will cut pies in the morning, serve German potato salad in the evening and man the P.T.L. booth in the afternoon. Sunday Rich will lead worship at the park and we will work in the Right to Life booth in the afternoon. Ben will also walk up and down the sidewalks at the parade selling soft drinks for the Cub Scouts! It is such a busy weekend. It does raise a lot of money for our church though. That is a helpful and wonderful thing.
Friday we just enjoy the place, we don't work. We will go to the princess contest to see little Emma! We are hoping she will win! Usually it is our night to have some great fair food. I am not sure my tummy will approve of the fair food this year. I will have to play it safe.
I will let you know how all of this craziness goes!
1 comment:
Heritage Weekend sure is crazy! Especially this year. :-) Thanks for coming to see Emma. Hopefully your electricity will be back on soon. Please let us know if you need anything at all!
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