Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve and a New Blog!

It is almost 2008. That is hard to believe! Although, in some ways, it feels like 2007 was a VERY long year! At any rate, we cannot change how slowly or how quickly the year comes and goes so it is irrelevant!

I don't really do resolutions. I never am good at keeping them, so this way there is no disappointment. But, sometimes I will set some goals. This year, I am starting this blog. I have always wanted to keep a journal! I cannot tell you how many I have purchased over the years! I start them out, but never keep them up. I had a great aunt, Gladys Wernsman, she was a teacher, and she kept a journal from the day she turned 18 to the day she died. She lost her sight as she grew near to being called home, but she still wrote in her journal, even though no one could read it. She never wrote anything too personal. She always kept it by her chair and didn't mind if anyone read it. When she died they burned them. Isn't that sad? But I asked to keep the 1967 copy, the year I was born. She talks about getting the phone call that I had arrived, coming to the house to visit me, and attending my baptism. It is so nice to have. So, here's to you Aunt Gladys! I'm not 18, but maybe it's not a bad thing to start at 40 :0)

I hope you will join me on this new adventure! I invite you to read my blog and I would love to know what is going on in your daily lives!


Rev. Rich Heinz said...

Congratulations, Honey! Welcome to the Blogosphere.

Have fun!


Katzback2350 said...

I REALLY love you in your new glasses!!