Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Cookies!!!!

I am so excited to be baking soon. I LOVE making Christmas cookies! I always have. My dearest childhood friend, Peter, had a mother who did some wicked baking. My mom did her share too. Between the two of them, I did a ton of baking! I even remember getting my friends to come over and help me bake during the holidays in high school. Well...I have been making a lot of the same cookies for years, and thought some of you might want to help me try some new ones!

Here is what we will send your favorite recipe, I will try and bake it and post pictures of it along with the recipe and my experience with it. I am hoping that this doesn't get out of hand. Makes me think of Julie and Julia! LOL! I have two that have been sent to me already. I will be making them next week. You can send yours to me on Facebook if you are my friend, or post a comment here! I think this could be a lot of fun! Come join the fun. You might just find one you really like!